Dean Harrison

Your Fly Fishing Guide.

I have lived most of my adult life in and around Christchurch, New Zealand. My 25 years as a ‘resultant’ (well, I like that word better than ‘salesman’!!) in the radio advertising game has taught me a lot about people. I know how to get results in business, and how to help others uncover what it is they want. That led me to start my motivational and sales workshops.

Alongside my 9-5… I have always had a passion for the outdoors and I have had the luxury of fishing in many places around the world: Vanuatu, Belize, Northern territories of Australia, Cape York, Fiji, Noumea, Tahiti…and of course New Zealand. There has been scope for me to have been a professional (albeit part-time) fishing guide for many years as an enjoyable sideline. I jokingly see myself as a bit of a ‘creative leisure connoisseur’.

If you think that when you’re doing what you love, it’s not ‘work’ at all, then we’re on the same page: I absolutely love the challenge and the adventure involved with being a guide for trout angling…. and I do it as much as I can fit in around my two wee boys and other commitments.

Contact me today and open a conversation about YOUR dream Fly Fishing Adventure. I’ll custom design a trip that takes you to the places that will cause the things you want to do, in beautiful surroundings with all the gear you need.

Let’s go!

I’ve been fishing since I was a wee fella and I’ve learnt a thing or two along the way.

My mission is to give you the best darn trip possible – fabulous fishing, stunning scenery, memories to last a lifetime…all creating a strong desire to come back and do it all again…with me! For the real “adventure hound” in remote locations, to a quiet evening fishing a lake for the evening rise. Individuals, families and special event excursions, tents or cabins. Walk up a river, or fish the lake edge from the shore or an inflatable, I’m happy doing what I do, and my job is to make it happen for you.

Start Designing Your Dream Fly Fishing Adventure Today